About IT Di-Visions
To be the best, wiTh the best, for the best. That is all we want.
At IT Di-Visions, we set ourselves ambitious goals, because we want to be the leading top recruitment agency of high-caliber IT professionals in Zurich and throughout Switzerland. No more, no less.
We at IT Di-Visions take great pride in providing excellent service and quality to our clients and candidates.
Quality means success for our clients and candidates. We aim to live up to this aspiration with our practiced and trusted ethical business philosophy.
IT Di-Visions Philosophy
Shared values and visions between business partners are viTal for mutual success. We enable that.
At IT Di-Visions, we emphasize personal contact and relationships. We believe mutual understanding to be the basis for successful cooperation. Therefore, we consider the human as well as the professional qualities. Whether we are recruiting for project-based or long-term positions, our clients want the best; and that is what we deliver.
IT Di-Visions Philosophy
Valérie Concerts
Valérie de Montmollin is famous for her unconventional way of doing things. She has now decided to enchant the world as a singer of French chansons. On 13 September 2021, she celebrated her premiere performance in this genre in front of an enthusiastic audience at the Frauenbadi in Zurich.
IT Di-Visions Team
We are commiTted to serving your needs with passion and flair. Let us get together.
At IT Di-Visions, we are looking forward to hearing from you, in person or in writing. Our door is always open, and so are our eyes and ears. If you have a specific query, you can contact the person responsible directly.
See you soon,
Your IT Di-Visions Team
We are social
We believe in connecting wiTh and reaching out to clients and candidates worldwide.
Connect with IT Di-Visions on our various social media platforms. Let’s start a dialogue.
Press Archive
Data protection declaration
I. Who is responsible for data processing?
IT Di-Visions AG
Valérie de Montmollin
Bahnhofstrasse 63
CH-8001 Zürich
Phone +41 44 213 20 30
Fax +41 44 213 20 31
(hereinafter “IT Di-Visions”, “we” or “us”)
II. General information about data processing
The following detailed data protection declaration explains which data are collected on our web pages and which data we process and use for the purposes of our business activity.
In the course of the further development of our website and the implementation of new legal requirements, new technologies or to improve our service for your benefit, amendments to this data protection declaration may become necessary. We therefore advise you to read through this data protection declaration again from time to time.
With these notes on data protection, we are giving you the information required by law on the way in which your personal data are processed by our business and also on your rights.
All designations refer to persons of all genders.
III. Use of your data for the purposes of our business activity
1. WWhich personal data do we process?
We process personal data that we obtain from you in the course of our business relationship. More specifically, in the course of our business relationship with you and in particular in the application procedure, we process the following data supplied by you:
- master data to make contact with you (e.g. name, address, contact data)
- Application documents (curriculum vitae, testimonials, certificates, awards etc.)
- Documentation data (e.g. notes on discussions, interview records, reports on visits)
- Data to set up and implement our business relationships (concerning candidates and clients)
- Correspondence (e.g. written correspondence)
2. On which bases do we process your data?
Data are processed to perform a contract with you or to take precontractual measures following your enquiry. In detail, the purposes for which data are processed are guided by the specific business relationship or the specific instruction given by you.
As necessary, we process your data beyond the actual performance of the contract to safeguard our own justified interests or those of third parties. This is done e.g. for the following purposes:
- Verification, optimisation and further development of services.
- Analysis of the need to use our services and websites for the purpose of direct approaches to clients.
- Enforcement of legal claims and defence against lawsuits.
- Safeguarding IT security and IT operations.
Our interest in the particular processing is determined by the particular purposes and is also of an economic nature (efficient task performance, avoidance of legal risks). To the extent that the specific purpose so allows, we process your data under a pseudonym or in anonymous form.
In so far as you have consented to the processing of personal data by us for specific purposes, the particular consent is the legal basis for the processing referred to therein. This applies in particular to
- applications to potential employers
- services provided on your behalf
- the transfer of data to third parties; in particular in the case of personal data that merit special protection we shall seek your specific consent before processing and transferring them to third parties.
You may at any time withdraw consent that has been given. The withdrawal of consent applies only to future processing.
3. Who is given access to my data?
Your personal data are not disclosed to third parties unless you have previously given us your appropriate verbal or written consent or granted a written authority or if there is a statutory basis for doing so.
We only transfer your data to countries outside Switzerland and the European Economic Area to the extent that
- this is necessary for the performance of your orders (e.g. application procedure, mandates)
- this is required by law or
- you have given us your consent.
4. Data erasure and duration of storage
In so far as this is necessary, we process your personal data for the duration of the business relationship; this includes preparation and implementation of that relationship, together with storage for the periods prescribed by law.
If the data are no longer needed to perform contractual or legal obligations, they shall be erased unless statutory obligations prevent such erasure. That may be the case e.g. for the following purposes:
- performance of legal storage obligations
- Obtaining evidence in the context of requirements concerning the statute of limitations
IV. Making the website available
1. Description and scope of data processing
Whenever our Internet site is consulted, our system automatically records data and information from the calling computer system. Data are likewise stored in our system logfiles. This does not concern the user’s IP addresses or other data that enable the data to be associated with a particular user. These data are not stored together with other personal data of the user.
2. Legal basis for data processing
Our justified interest in operation of the website is the legal basis for temporary storage of the data.
3. Purpose of data processing
Temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable the website to be delivered to the user’s computer. For that purpose, the user’s IP address must be stored for the duration of the session. Our justified interest in data processing also resides in those purposes.
4. Duration of storage
The data are erased as soon as they are no longer needed to attain the purpose for which they are collected. If the data are collected to make the website available, this will be the case when the particular session has ended.
5. Possibility of objecting
The collection of data to make the website available and the storage of data in logfiles is imperative for operation of the Internet site. Consequently, the user has no possibility of objecting.
V. Contact form and e-mail contact
1. Description and scope of data processing
A contact form will be found on our Internet site and can be used to make electronic contact. If a user takes up this possibility, the data entered in the input mask are transferred to us and stored. These data are:
- Name, surname
- Company
- Telephone number
- Message
Alternatively, a contact can be made via the e-mail address that is provided. In that case the personal data transferred by you by e-mail will be stored.
No data will be disclosed to third parties in this connection. The data are used solely to process the conversation.
2. Basis for data processing
Your consent is the legal basis for data processing if you make direct contact with us or send an enquiry.
Our own justified interest is the legal basis for the processing of data which are transferred when an e-mail is sent. If the purpose of the e-mail contact is to conclude a contract, the performance of precontractual measures is an additional legal basis for processing.
3. Purpose of data processing
We process personal data from the input mask solely to enable the contact to be properly established. If a contact is established by e-mail, that is also the basis for the necessary justified interest in processing the data.
4. Duration of storage
Data are erased once they are no longer needed to attain the purpose for which they were collected. For personal data taken from the input mask of the contact form and data sent by e-mail, this will be the case once the particular conversation has ended. The conversation is ended when it is apparent from the circumstances that the relevant situation has been fully clarified.
5. Opportunity to object and remove
You have an opportunity at any time to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data. Please contact us if you object to the storage or processing of your data. In any such case the conversation cannot be continued.