How does it work?
Our signature hiring process is created with these topics in mind:
• Your Time: Once we start working with you, we are able to identify and anticipate the causes and hidden costs of recruitment that may appear when the process takes longer than expected, and we will aim to mitigate those causes efficiently, with your time in mind. After all, we do our job, so you can focus on doing yours.
• Best possible match: our client briefing interviews are tailored in a way to identify, in your own words, the crucial needs connected to the position you are hiring for. Very often we get the feedback that our briefing process helps to nail down the specific requirements for the job description, which ensures that the perfect match can be made from our candidate pool.
• Our Planning: we plan together with you the recruitment process ahead for great candidate experience and for efficient recruitment.
• Clarity and honest communication: we agree with our clients on clear and honest communication to ensure a successful collaboration. Having all decision-makers on the same page is how we like to get started.
• Our consultants come from the AM industry: most of our consultants worked at OEM’s before, understand AM technologies and they bring all their experience into the collaboration.